Root Letter

Root Letter

1:27:04 2022 TV-14

Root Letter is a dark thriller adapted from the Japanese video game of the same name by Kadokawa Games. This reimagining takes us into the grim chaos of life from the perspective of two troubled teens. When high schoolers Carlos and Sarah are paired as anonymous pen-pals, an instant bond is formed. Through their shared sense of hopelessness, they find themselves drawn to each other. When the letters from Sarah suddenly stop, Carlos is haunted by the memory of his lost friend. A year later, a cryptic new letter arrives with a disturbing confession; Carlos knows he must try to find Sarah, even if it means risking his own life. With the past and the present told simultaneously against the setting of the Deep South, an area struggling with poverty and a devastating opioid crisis, Root Letter is an arresting look at two lost souls, who somehow found each other.

Coming of Age
Sonja O'Hara
Danny Ramirez
Keana Marie
Lydia Hearst
Mark St. Cyr
Breon Pugh
Sam Coleman

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